
Garden Programs
Mountain Oak Schoolhas wonderful gardening program and now that Mountain Oak School has settled into its new site, the parent association and the faculty have formed a garden and grounds committee to devel
This upcoming year we will begin the procedures to open the Highlands Center Schoolyard Habitat. We are grateful to have been chosen for the habitat area. The learning curriculum and habitat will be implemented in 2018. Currently we are creating pathways, placing benches, planting seeds and plants as well as placing an irrigating system.
Lunch Program
Our school strongly encourages salads, sandwiches, fruits, nuts and simple sugar-free natural juices or purified water as snacks and lunches.
In addition, our newsletter provides information about the important role healthy foods has in the physical as well as cognitive development of the child and our school provides resources and periodic guest speakers for parent education on the topic of nutrition and the child.
Lunch and snack are brought from home and are eaten at the designated snack and lunch times. We encourage foods to be of a wholesome and nutritious nature. Candy, gum, and caffeinated or carbonated beverages are not to be brought to school.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for sending a hot lunch in appropriate containers if they prefer this option for their child. Microwave ovens are not used in classrooms. Lunch boxes and other food containers are to be leak proof, free of advertisements, athletes, rock stars, cartoon characters, and other media images.
Lunches can be ordered at school on a monthly basis. Vendors vary from year to year. The order form is on the website and attached to The Wednesday. Orders and payment must be turned in by the deadline. There are no refunds for any reason, including a child’s absence from school. This is a fundraiser run by teachers and parent volunteers. Parents from each participating class tally the children’s orders, and order the food from the restaurant. On their day each week, the volunteers pick the food up, and distribute it to the classrooms. Proceeds are split between participating classes. Remember to still pack a snack.
This program is for preschoolers and kindergarteners and runs from noon to 3:00 pm.